The story of My Hero Academia revolves around young protagonist Izuku Midoriya. It follows a very similar plot line to a lot of the classic animes you may have watched before this.
Like Naruto, Itadori from JuJutsu Kaisen or Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia's main character is looked down upon before they become the most powerful character of the show in a long, hard quest.
Right now there are five available seasons of My Hero Academia but it won't be long until the next season is out. It has been hinted that we will get a season six of the show in late 2022.
With just 113 episodes, My Hero Academia is a relatively short anime in the grand scheme of things. There is also very little filler in the show with just a couple of episodes not applying to the main story line.
Read on to see how to watch My Hero Academia online through Funimation as well as options for different regions, other streaming platforms and other key bits of information.
How to watch My Hero Academia from abroad
If you're an existing Funimation subscriber looking to watch My Hero Academia, you might find yourself a bit stuck when you leave the country. If you go on holiday where the service isn't available, you will likely get hit with a geo-block restriction.
The good news is that this is easy to navigate. By downloading a VPN, you can watch My Hero Academia as if you were back home. Simply change your IP address to your country of residence and voila, you're ready to crack on with the show.